Friday, January 20, 2012


I never thought when I had a daughter that she would absolutely love dresses (I am not a big fan.) Well now she has gotten to the point where she wants to wear dresses all the time, including bed time. I was at Walmart and was going to buy her a nightgown but the ones they had were $14. For those with toddlers you know, that's expensive for something they'll grow out of in a month. So I decided I would go and check out the patterns. I found a cute pattern for $3 then when and found fabric for $5.50. That's $6 cheaper. I also cut out each size for the night gown on some cheap fabric I've had so that when she grows out of the one I just made I don't have to buy the pattern again.
She loves it. She kept asking me if I was done and asking if she could wear it when I was done.
It's a little big but its a size three and she's not quite there for size.

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